Making presentations

The following phrases are used when making presentations.

· Introducing your talk

Today we’re going to look at…
I’d like to begin with…
Then we’ll go on to…
Finally, we’ll turn to

· Referring to visuals

If you’d like to look at the screen, you’ll see…
As you can see…

· Signaling

Moving on to…
So, now I’d like to turn to…

Expressing hindsight

We can talk about past mistakes in the following ways.
With hindsight, we should have/could have…
What we should have/could have done is…
If we’d…, we wouldn’t have…

Here are some questions that you could ask a new colleague or client if you want to be friendly and start a conversation:

Did you have a good journey?
Is that your first visit to…?
Do you need any help or information?
When did you actually arrive?
Where are you staying?
Whereabouts do you come from in…?