“在埃及最难过的一刻,无地自容。” 昨天,网友“空游无依”发微博称,他在埃及卢克索神庙旅游时,在浮雕上看到中文“丁锦昊到此一游”,对这个3000多年前的文物受损,他十分羞愧,并向导游道歉。此事在微博上引起热议,而这名“题名者”的身份也随之遭网友人肉搜索。

据“空游无依”描述,他是在埃及卢克索神庙最里面一个圣殿,往右边通道、左手的石壁上发现刻字。“我们试图用纸巾擦掉这羞耻(的字迹),但很难擦干净, 又不能用水,这是三千五百年前的文物呀。”

事件发生后相关记者联系上“空游无依”,据他透露,自己是在今年5月3日到埃及旅游、5月6日在卢克索游玩时拍到这张照片的。“看到此情此景谁也没有多说,当时我们一团人都觉得特别羞愧,导游也不愿触到伤处,就带我们走了,我留存此照并发布在微博上是想提醒大家不要轻 易毁坏文物,没想到传播得这么快。 ”




埃及卢克索神庙:Luxor Temple

Luxor Temple is a large Ancient Egyptian temple complex located on the east bank of the Nile River in the city today known as Luxor (ancient Thebes) and was founded in 1400 BCE. In Luxor there are six great temples, the four on the left bank are known to travellers and readers of travels as Goornah, Deir-el-Bahri, the Ramesseum, and Medinet Habu; and the two temples on the right bank are known as the Karnak and Luxor.


Luxor massacre:On 17 November 1997, 62 tourists were murdered in Luxor, Egypt. The attack took place at the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, one of Egypt's best known tourist sites. The attack devastated the Egyptian economy and provoke the government into repression that would strengthen support for anti-government forces.


人肉搜索:Human flesh search engine

Human flesh search engine is a primarily Chinese internet phenomenon of massive researching using Internet media such as blogs and forums. It has generally been stigmatized as being for the purpose of identifying and exposing individuals to public humiliation, sometimes out of vigilantism, nationalist or patriotic sentiments.
