1.写e-mail说company要renting more office space请你发邮件通知。
要求包括:why your company want to rent more office space? when your company is going to start renting? Details of which staff need to use the new office?
3.You are a human resouce management.Your company needs 3 staff to work at its Head Office for 6 months.
要求包括:explaning why he staff are needed at the Head Office;saying what the work will involve;telling staff what to do if they are interested.
4.HR发一封给 all sales staff 的邮件, 关于sales training 的,写明培训时间,内容,如何参加。(出自2013上半年BEC中级考试真题)
1.A proposal: recommend a suitable advertising agency for the company to promote its products.
要求包括:recommend an agency(名字好像是Airon International?);cheaper than other agencies;TV advertising is very important for us (而这个公司experienced in TV advertising);举个该公司
成功组织策划的例子(这公司many successful advertising examples they oeganised);该公司advertising products used in many languages 这一点我们公司也很需要并说明原因。
2.区域总裁让你写个报告,关于你所在的supermarket last month's figures and make suggestions to improve sales next month.
下面是区域总裁的一些话和他想了解的几个问题:What product sold well in week 2?(give ditails);Why are product sales low in week 4? (make explanation);大概是说怎么提升下个月的销量(better advertising);How to motivate the staff?(是这个意思,原句忘了);上述建议要话费多少?(not more than £10,000)
3.写作第二题是回一封邮件。大致意思是我们公司要买security computer software,有个叫paul的sales manager毛遂自荐说他们公司的产品好,然后我要回信给他们问software是否适用于所有computer,然后对他们产品24小时服务的这个 feature很满意,要问他们打几折,然后与paul约时间再进行深入的了解做生意。 (出自2012下半年BEC中级考试真题)
4.公司要搬家,写个 proposal 给你老板说明搬家要注意的几点、原因。第一个是IT 设备,第二个忘了,第三个是package fee,第四个是 insurance 的重要性。(出自2013上半年BEC中级考试真题)