sway commercial flyer billboard poster tabloid quiz show reality show sitcom soap opera variety show current affairs the print media the electronic media news outlets be awash with be inundated with be saturated with censor delete eliminate excise
sway 媒体影响公众的意见 commercial 广告 flyer 传单 billboard 大幅广告牌 poster 海报 tabloid 小报 quiz show 有奖竞猜节目 reality show 真人秀 sitcom 情景喜剧 soap opera 肥皂剧 variety show 综艺节目 current affairs 时事 the print media 印刷媒体 the electronic media 电子媒体 news outlets 报道新闻的机构 be awash with/be inundated with/be saturated with 充斥着 censor 审查 delete/eliminate/excise删除