Hint: Beth Lisa
"Well folks, commerce for the day has commenced and I am sure we are in for a great day of commodity trading. Other commuters are lined in columns along the highway, at the railway station, and on bus. It is a wonder that the comedy of this life escapes us. But it would take a comet striking the earth to shake us from our comic and absurd ways." As the commentator continued his running commentary about the day's events, Beth and Lisa simply frowned. "I hate that guy." Said Beth. "He's always so smug as he commits thoughts into our heads whether we like them or not. I have even heard that he gets a bigger commission whenever people complain. It's like there is this committee out there trying to remind us about the combustibility of our commercial life style. I know it's not natural:living in steel buildings, wearing the same suits, driving the same cars day after day.
“各位,今天的商业节目现在开始,我敢肯定今天是个商品交易的好日子。其他乘公交车辆上下班的人现在正在高速公路边、火车站和汽车上排着长队。真不敢相信,这种生活的喜剧居然没有引起我们的注意,但是要想让我们摆脱滑稽而荒唐的生活方式,那得要有彗星撞地球那样的事情发生。” 在新闻评论员继续滔滔不绝地对当天发生的事件进行评论的时候,贝思和丽莎只是皱着眉头。“我讨厌那个家伙。”贝思说,“不管我们喜欢不喜欢,他总是将他的观点强加给我们,这时他还总是那么自鸣得意。我甚至听说,只要有人投诉,他拿的佣金就更多。好像有那么个委员会在那儿试图提醒我们商业生活方式的易激动性。我知道这种生活方式不自然:住在钢铁建筑中、穿同样的衣服、日复一日开同样的汽车。