BEC《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)学生用书(第三版)》 节目每晚21:00更新 450)=450"> Hints: 第一段以the canteen...结束 第二段以Now just开始,以questions...结束 00:59处破折号 全文听写,英式拼法 :o)
Well, here we are in the warehouse. There are a lot of fire hazards in the warehouse, and so this area must be kept clean and tidy at all times. If you're working here, always put all waste material into the bins. There are fire extinguishers on the walls, and the fire exit is on the left. Can you see it? It's quite clearly marked. Please remember, we don't allow any food or drink in the warehouse area. You can only eat or drink in the canteen... Now just before we go back into the main office building, can you see the sign on the wall here? This is the main assembly point, where you should come if there is an emergency -- a fire, for example. We do regular fire drills, and you should come here to this assembly point when you hear the fire alarm. This is the way we check that all employees and visitors are safe. That's why visitors must always sign in when they arrive at the plant, and sign out when they leave. We have to know who is on site at all times. Now, are there any questions...
这里就是仓库。仓库会有很多火灾隐患,所以这里必须一直保持干净与整洁。如果你在这里工作,经常是把所有废料装箱。墙上有灭火器,火灾逃生出口在左边。看到了吗?在那有很明显的标志。请记住,仓库里不允许带任何食物和饮料进来的。如果有需要你可以去食堂…… 现在让我们在回办公主楼前再来看些别的,你们有看到墙上的标志吗?这个标志表示当发生紧急事件例如火灾时大家必须到达的集合地点。我们经常会进行消防演习,当听到火灾报警后你就必须到这个集合地点来。这是我们检查所有员工和来访者是否安全的方法。这就是为什么来访者必须详细登记进出工厂的状态。我们必须知道所有时间里都有哪些人在这。好了,大家还有其他问题吗…… o(〃'▽'〃)o水平有限,仅供参考,如有问题,欢迎提出。(etoxczzy)