Hint: Mark
Mark looked in amazement. He knew that this was his father based on what his mother had told him. But Mark knew that he should proceed with caution. His father was in a whole other category of people. Mark's mother was just a worker as was he. His father might not even remember her! But Mark was not so cautious. He approached the man, said who he was and waited for his father's response. His father stared in surprise and then burst out in tears. He wrapped his arms around Mark and said that he had been looking for him and his mother for years. He had even searched every census, all to no avail. Now they were reunited. The catching young woman smiled as well. His father introduced her and said, "This is your half sister. Welcome to a new family, young man!"
马克惊奇地看着这一切。根据母亲对他讲过的一切,他知道那个男人就是他的父亲。但马克知道,自己必须小心行事。他父亲完全属于另一类人。母亲和他一样都是工人。父亲也许根本就不记得她啦! 但是马克还是不够谨慎。他走近那个男人,亮明了自己的身份,等待着对方的反应。他父亲惊奇地盯着他,然后便泪如泉涌。他伸出双手抱住马克,说多年来他一直在寻找他们母子俩,甚至还查了每一次人口普查资料,结果都没有奏效。现在他们终于团圆了。 那个漂亮的年轻女人也笑了,父亲介绍说:“这是你同父异母的妹妹。小伙子,欢迎来到你的新家。”