专八Minilecture,以讲座的形式展开,考察在整篇lecture中捕捉信息和关键词的能力,逐步领会Minilecture的命题规律和答题技巧 本篇选用的是《2013年星火满分听力》l综合篇。 关于专八听力,因为还有一档专八Interview和专八新闻的节目,所以不是每一项都是每天更新的,但是minilecture不更新的同时interview有更新,大家也可以关注一下。 D,Classification of euphemism 1)Classification Type One(by Hugh Rawson from the angle of semantics): i,the positive:stylistic ones inflate and magnify the word meaning,making the euphemized seem grander and moreimportant than they really are ii,the negative :______ones deflate and diminish the word meaning,defensive in nature offseting the power of tabooed terms and eradicating everything that people prefer not to deal with directly
Then, how can euphemism be classified? Euphemism can be classified into many types from different angles. Hugh Rawson divides euphemisms into two types:the positive and the negative from the angle of semantics. The positive euphemisms can be named stylistic one,which “inflate and magnify the word meaning,making the euphemized seem altogether grander and more important than they really are.” The negative euphemisms are extremely ancient,and closely connected with the taboos. They are also called “traditional euphemisms”. They deflate and diminish. “They are defensive in nature offsetting the power of tabooed terms and otherwise eradicating from the language everything ancient