全文听写,英式拼法 450)=450"> [color=#408080]HINTS 拼写部分每个字母要大写,中间加连字符 课程名大写 First Year Flat [/color]
Good morning. I'm here to register for the First Year Social Science course. I'll just have to fill out this form for our records. What's your name? It's Wang Pearl. Excuse me? Is Pearl your last name? No, it's my first name. My family name is Wang. Can you spell that? Sure. Pearl, P-E-A-R-L. Wang, it's spelled W-A-N-G. OK. Pearl Wang. What's your address? It's 4832 Kent Road. Can you please repeat that? Kent, K-E-N-T. 4832 Kent Road, Flat number 301. All right. And your telephone number? I haven't got the phone on yet. I'm still looking for an accommodation which should be somewhere near the school. OK, well. Please let me have the number once the phone is connected and I'll make a note here to be advised. And your course? First Year Social Science Course. Social Science Course. May I have the timetable? Yes, here it is. You'll have Dr Hill's lectures at 9:30 Monday morning and also Thursday morning at 10:30. How long do they last? An hour. Which rooms are they in? The Monday morning lectures take place in Room 101. The Thursday ones are in Room 215. Thank you.
早上好,我来注册一年级社会科学课。 我得填表做个记录。你叫什么? Wang Pearl。 啥?你姓Pearl么? 不是,我叫Pearl,姓Wang。 你能拼一下么? 好的。Pearl, P-E-A-R-L。Wang,W-A-N-G。 好的,那Pearl Wang,你的地址呢? Kent路4832号。 麻烦你重复一下。 Kent,K-E-N-T。kent路4832号,301号公寓。 好。电话呢? 我暂时没有电话。我还在找房子呢,打算在学校附近找一个。 好吧。等你电话装好了告诉我一下号码,我在这儿写个条儿提醒你一下。你上什么课? 一年级社会科学。 社会科学。 能给我张课程表么? 好的。你周一早上九点半和周四早上十点半有Dr Hill的课。 上多久? 一个小时。 在哪个教室? 周一的在101,周四的在215。 谢谢。 —— by vincit 欢迎讨论