BEC《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)学生用书(第三版)》 节目每晚21:00更新 450)=450"> Hints: OK 00:10处破折号 00:41处冒号,后面单词不用大写。 结尾以how...结束 全文听写,英式拼法 :o)
So there you have a perfect opportunity to do that. And that brings us to our last two items on the list -- both of them are to do with keeping your body healthy, because that's an important thing to remember. When we are tired or ill, our brains just don't work as well as usual, do they? It's difficult to be creative and innovative when we've got flu, isn't it? So, item nine, eat fish, like tuna or salmon, for your main meal. And finally, number ten is simple: no caffeine and no alcohol. OK, so that's the list of ten activities. Now you decide which seven you will do and which days you will do them on. Next week we'll see how...
所以现在你们有个完美的机会去完成。接下来就正好是单子上最后两个了——这两项都可以让你们保持身体健康,因为是需要记住的非常重要的事。 当我们疲劳或生病时,我们的大脑是不是就不会像平时一样工作了?当我们感冒后是不是很难产生创造力和创新能力?所以,第九项,吃鱼,像金枪鱼或硅鱼,将其作为主食。最后,第十项比较简单:不要喝咖啡和酒。 好了,这就是清单上的十项任务。现在你们决定哪七项,哪天去完成哪条。下周我们来看下成效…… o(〃'▽'〃)o水平有限,仅供参考,如有问题,欢迎提出。(etoxczzy)