咩哈哈~ 阿宝来啦~!作为第一期 就让我们一起来听听这首欢乐的主题曲吧~~(大家要是赶脚难度需要调整留言给我~~) Hints: legends of the Kung Fu Panda Master Shifu Furious Five something, something, something, something alive Kung Fu Panda -- Legends of awesomeness 注:全文听写
Hear the legends of the Kung Fu Panda. Raised in a noodle shop, never seeking glory or fame. He climbed a mountaintop and earned the dragon warrior name. Kung Fu Panda. Master Shifu saw the warrior blossom and mastered the skills of bodacious and awesome. Kung Fu Panda. He lives and he trains and he fights with the Furious Five, protect the valley something, something, something, something alive. Kung Fu Panda -- Legends of awesomeness. Sweet.
下面请随我听关于功夫熊猫的传奇故事~ 从小在面馆长大 从来没想过功名神马的 结果某天登顶巅峰 并且冠以神龙之名 功夫熊猫~~ 师父大人慧眼识珠 艺高胆大斩妖除魔 功夫熊猫~~ 他每天都刻苦练习 和盖世武侠并肩作战 保护着山谷的一切可爱生命 功夫熊猫~~ 盖世传奇~~~ 好极了~! By: 灌心饼干