450)=450"> 很多时候,我们只看到了表面的繁华,却未曾发现背后深深的无奈...... Hints: Gabrielle
An odd thing happens when we die. Our senses vanish. Taste, touch, smell and sound become a distant memory. But our sight, ah, our sight expands. And we can suddenly see the world we've left behind so clearly. Of course, most of what's visible to the dead could also be seen by the living, if they only take the time to look. Like my friend Gabrielle. I should've seen how unhappy she was, but I didn't. I only saw her clothes from Paris, and her platinum jewelry, and her brand-new diamond watch. Had I looked closer, I'd have seen that Gabrielle was a drowning woman, desperately in search of a life raft. Luckily for her, she found one. Of course, Gabrielle only saw her young gardener as a way to infuse her life with a little excitement. But now she was about to discover just how exciting her life could get.
当我们逝去后,奇怪的事情发生了。我们的感觉消失了。味觉、触觉、气味和声音变成遥远的记忆。但我们的视野开阔了。我们突然把身后的世界看得如此清晰。当然,这些对于活着的人而言同样是可见的,如果他们花时间去看的话。就像我的朋友Gabrielle。我过去应该看出来她有多么不开心,但是我没有。我只看见了她的法国时装, 她的白金首饰,和她崭新的钻石手表.如果我看得更仔细,我就会看出Gabrielle是个快溺毙的女人,绝望的在寻找生命的木筏 .幸运的是,她找到了.当然,Gabrielle只是找到了她年轻的园丁给她的生活中注入新鲜血液,但是现在她想尝试一下究竟她的生活可以有多精彩. ——译文来自: xiaoqianh