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词语典故:与数字有关的词 Hints: None 校稿 maya86 翻译 瞥未草青 组长 jilang When I was a young child in school, I had to learn the 3 R's. These important skills are reading, writing and arithmetic...
数百万巴基斯坦人与前所未有的洪水做抗争 Hints: Moscow Celsius U.N. Refugee Agency Chad Greenland Manhattan 校稿 maya86 翻译 漠沫 组长 jilang Russia is a major wheat exporter. But crops have be...
词汇掌故:与“心”有关的短语 Hints: The Wizard of Oz Tin Man 校稿 龙猫08 翻译 lisa1128 组长 lisa1128If your friend says "My heart bleeds for you.", she means the opposite. She is a cold-hearted ...
执行效能包括组织我们生活所需的技巧。执行效能差与注意力缺乏,学习障碍息息相关。A person might have trouble waiting and cooperating, and might say or do things even if it offends others.Laura Berk ...