从Unit 2 开始,每一个Unit 将有一篇In-class Reading, 两篇After-class Reading,按顺序 Unit # A\B\C 依次发布~ 大家加油~ Hints: 1分28秒左右有引号
Arriving at the airport, I discovered that my brother's flight had been delayed for an hour. Usually when I wait around the airport to meet a flight, I pass the time by watching planes land and take off, but that evening I had a bad headache. I thought the noise of jet engines might make it worse, so I decided to walk around inside the airport for a while. As I was walking by the shops, I happened to see a display of flight bags, which reminded me of my briefcase: I realized that I was not carrying it now. Quickly I tried to remember where I might have left it. Knowing that I had not stopped anywhere since I left the airline ticket counter, I concluded I must have put it down there. I hurried back to get it, but my briefcase was nowhere in sight. At first I was sure that somebody had just walked off with it, but then I realized there was a chance that whoever found it might have turned it in at the counter. I waited in line for my turn at the counter and then I described the briefcase and asked if by any chance it had been turned in. The agent shook his head. Then I glanced over his shoulder at the conveyor belt that was moving baggage from the check-in counter down to the loading area and shouted, "There it is!" But just as the agent turned to look, the briefcase reached the end of the conveyor belt and vanished from view.
到了机场才发现我兄弟达成的班机延误了一小时。通常我在机场等候接人时,会把时间消磨在观看飞机起降上。可那天晚上我头疼的厉害。我想喷气发动机所发出的噪音会使头痛的更厉害,于是决定在机场内逛一会儿。 当我走过那些店铺时,碰巧看到陈列在那儿的航空箱包,这是我想起了自己的公文包。我这才意识到没有提着它。我马上努力回忆:会把它遗忘在哪儿呢。自从离开航空公司票务柜台后,我没有在其他任何地方停留过,所以我推想,我一定是把包放下后留在那里了。我急忙回去取,可是公文包已无影无踪。起先我确信一定有人顺手把它提走了,但随后想,也有可能看到包的人已把它交给了柜台,便在票务柜台排队等候。轮到我是,我描述了包的特征,并询问会不会有人把它交到了柜台,那位航空公司代理摇了摇头。这是我朝他身后的行李输送带瞥了一眼,输送带正把行李从办理登记手续处往下面的装货区传送。我大声叫道:“我的包就在那儿!”然而,当代理回头看时,公文包已传送到输送带的尽头,突然消失看不见了。 ——译文来自: mannywang927