XNDU3MjUyODY4/ <听写方式: 填写缺失的部分,不用带数字序号> A: Good morning. H: Not really. I just got off the phone with Dad.      1    Said he had a prior commitment. Work or business. But, whatever. I mean, I was over that dance last year. A: You know, I could take you to the dance. H: Hello? Father/Daughter. A: What, you think you're the only girl with divorced parents whose dad can't make it? H:      2    A: I can take the heat.      3    H: Okay. Let's do it. Me and you.
He bailed on tomorrow night's dance. No, but I'd be the only one lame enough to show up and advertise it. I think missing out on something you're looking forward to is lamer than going with your mother.