Hints: 本期学习的字源:mob,mot=move移动 Indonesia Detroit 单词不需要大写,单词与例句或不同词条之间换行即可。 注解中详细介绍了单词的拆分与释义,是学习字源分析的重中之重!一定记得听写后来看注解!
motor mob During the anti-Chinese riots in Indonesia, mobs looted Chinese stores and raped Chinese women. mobility Automobiles allow people a great degree of mobility. mobilize In the event of war, all reserve officers will be mobilized. automobile Detroit is famous for its automobile industry. immobilize Finding herself face to face with a grizzly bear, the little girl wsa immobilized with fear. momentum The environmental movement has built up a lot of momentum during these past two years. remove The new detergent claims to remove all kinds of stains. motivation Motivation is an important consideration in designing any kind of teaching material. motive The police said that money was the motive behind the homicide. demote When the conservative party moved in, many liberals were dumped or demoted. emotion I have mixed emotions about the election results. promotion The company is giving away free samples as part of its summer promotion.
During the anti-Chinese riots in Indonesia, mobs looted Chinese stores and raped Chinese women. 印尼排华暴动中,暴徒掠劫华人商店,强暴华人妇女。 Automobiles allow people a great degree of mobility. 汽车给予我们很大的机动性。 In the event of war, all reserve officers will be mobilized. 一旦战争发生,预备军官将全体动员。 Detroit is famous for its automobile industry. 底特律以汽车产业闻名。 Finding herself face to face with a grizzly bear, the little girl wsa immobilized with fear. 这个小女孩面对着大灰熊,吓得不能动弹。 The environmental movement has built up a lot of momentum during these past two years. 环保运动这两年来累积了不小的动力。 The new detergent claims to remove all kinds of stains. 这种新的洗涤剂号称可以除去所有污垢。 Motivation is an important consideration in designing any kind of teaching material. 设计任何一种教材,诱导都是重要的考虑因素。 The police said that money was the motive behind the homicide. 警方说金钱是这桩凶杀案的幕后动机。 When the conservative party moved in, many liberals were dumped or demoted. 保守党上台时,许多自由派人士遭到解雇或降级。 I have mixed emotions about the election results. 我对选举结果,感觉上有点矛盾。 The company is giving away free samples as part of its summer promotion. 这家公司正免费赠送样品,做夏季促销。