450)=450"> 450)=450"> 每天18:00准时更新 全文听写,英式拼法 450)=450"> [color=#408080]HINTS Ealing Health Centre Dan Gosnell er D-A-N G-O-S-N-E-L-L Bentley £ [/color]
Ealing Health Centre. Can I help you? Oh, good morning. I'd like to make an appointment for Mr Dan Gosnell today or tomorrow. He needs a cholera jab. Er, sorry, what's the name? Could you spell the name please? Yes, Dan D-A-N Gosnell G-O-S-N-E-L-L. G-O-S-N-E double L. Good. Who's, er, Mr Gosnell's doctor? Oh, it's Dr Bentley. Dr Bentley. Well, I'm afraid Dr Bentley is not well himself. In fact, he won't be back until next week. Oh dear. Well, it is rather urgent because he's got to go to India on Friday unexpectedly. Erm, look, could he possibly see someone on Thursday? Well, Dr Mayle, she's got two appointments available. There's one at 10:20 and there's one at 2:30. Oh, sorry, what's doctor's name? Doctor Mayle, M-A-Y-L-E. Doctor Mayle. Thank you. I think the 10:20 appointment, please. Yes, bring his vaccination booklet. By the way, how much is the vaccination? It's £2.80. £2.80. Yes, thank you. I'll remind him all about that. Well, thank you very much indeed for your trouble. Goodbye. Goodbye.
Ealing健康中心,我有什么能帮您的? 早上好,我想今天或者明天跟Dan Gosnell医生预约。他需要注射霍乱疫苗。 对不起,请问名字是?您能把名字拼出来吗? 是的,Dan D-A-N, Gosnell G-O-S-N-E-L-L G-O-S-N-E,两个L。好的,Gosnell医生是吧? 是的,Bentley医生。 Bentley医生,但我恐怕Bentley医生可能不行。事实上,他到下周才能回来。 我的天吖,这比较紧急,因为他周五意外得被派去了印度。所以,他怎么可能在周四会见其他人呢? Mayle医生,她有两个时间可预约。一个是早上十点二十,一个是下午两点半。 对不起,医生的名字是? Mayle, M-A-Y-L-E. Mayle医生,谢谢,我想十点二十的预约。 是的,请带上他的接种疫苗的小册子。对了,接种疫苗要多少钱? 2.80英镑。 2.8英镑,好的,谢谢,我都会提醒他的。非常谢谢,给你带来麻烦了。再见。 再见。 ——By lsy34