Hints: 本期学习的字源:arch=first, chief, ancient第一,最初,首要,古老 Shakespeare Hamlet Oresteia Netscape Navigator Microsoft's Explorer Libertarians Aristotle Peng Ming-Min Taiwan 单词不需要大写,单词与例句或不同词条之间换行即可。 注解中详细介绍了单词的拆分与释义,是学习字源分析的重中之重!一定记得听写后来看注解!
archetype Shakespeare's Hamlet is an original creation, but critics have found an archetype for it in the Greek trilogy Oresteia, in which a prince kills his mother to avenge his father. archrival Netscape Navigator is the archrival of Microsoft's Explorer. anarchy American Libertarians favor minimal government, but not complete anarchy. matriarchal In a matriarchal society, it is the women who make all the important decisions. monarchy Great Britain's political system is one of constitutional monarchy. oligarchy Aristotle said that oligarchy was merely a preliminary step to tyranny. patriarch Peng Ming-Min is the patriarch of Taiwan's opposition movement.
Shakespeare's Hamlet is an original creation, but critics have found an archetype for it in the Greek trilogy Oresteia, in which a prince kills his mother to avenge his father. 莎翁的《哈姆雷特》是原创作品,但评论家找到了它的原型,在希腊三部曲《奥瑞斯泰亚》中也有王子弑母为父报仇的情节。 Netscape Navigator is the archrival of Microsoft's Explorer. 网景公司的“领航者”浏览器是微软的“探索者”浏览器的主要竞争者。 American Libertarians favor minimal government, but not complete anarchy. 美国古典自由派主张小政府,但并非完全无政府状态。 In a matriarchal society, it is the women who make all the important decisions. 在母系社会中,由妇女做所有重要的决定。 Great Britain's political system is one of constitutional monarchy. 大不列颠的政治体制是君主立宪制。 Aristotle said that oligarchy was merely a preliminary step to tyranny. 亚里士多德说,寡头政治不过是专制暴政的前身。 Peng Ming-Min is the patriarch of Taiwan's opposition movement. 彭明敏是台湾反对运动的大家长。