450)=450"> [color=#600000]BEC HIGHER 听力训练,希望对备考的同学们有所帮助。 全文听写,英式拼法[/color] BEC高级每日9点更新。 450)=450"> 上一期剑桥商务英语高级真题集:商务人员的旅行(3/3) HINTS Catherine
They say they're faced with unreasonable demands all the time, like having to learn to operate several machines instead of just one or two. Many of them think they could get an easier job for the money, because there are plenty of other jobs on offer locally. The reasonably healthy state of our order books gives them a certain amount of job security, but they just don't seem to care. How's their work organised? We've changed to a "sectionalised flow" approach, which means the the machinists work in teams. Rather than each machinist being assigned a complete item of clothing, the work is divided into batches involving various operations, each of them undertaken by one machinist. At that person finishes, the work is passed on to the machinist responsible for the next stage. Has that had any impact on what you produce? Yes, it's enabled Catherine to introduce a policy of rapid diversification of the product range, so the number of itemised clothes has leapt.
他们说,他们一直会被提出不合理的要求,比如说得学习操作数台机器,而不是只有一两台那么简单。还有很多人认为在相同的工资水平下,他们完全可以找到另外一份更轻松的工作,因为本地有相当多的岗位需求。而对于我们一直保持稳定的订单来源给他们带来的工作保障,他们似乎并不关心。 他们的工作是如何组织起来的? 我们换成了“分块流量法”的作业方式,即缝纫工人以团队为单位进行工作。缝纫工人不再负责完成整件衣服的制造,现在每件衣服的制造过程被分解成数块,一个缝纫工人负责一块内容。一个缝纫工人完成了,就传给下一个缝纫工人做接下来的那块工作。 对衣服的制造有影响吗? 有,这个改变让凯瑟琳采取了一个产品范围迅速多样化的政策,衣服的数量大大上升,包括所有的款式和尺寸在内。 ——By lsy34