450)=450"> Claire最近工作上压力很大,同事Jim和Tina给她出主意,如何减压。Tina说, T: ---1---, and each person is different. My husband swears by classical music. He goes and sits in his room, turns on his stereo and listens to his favorite classical composers. J: For me, sometimes I just need a good hard workout. ---2---...makes me feel much better! C: I've tried chanting and meditating a couple times, but I couldn't stop my brain from thinking about work. I can't seem to get in the zone. Tina说,她老公觉得听古典音乐特别管用。He swears by classical music. swear by something 意思是坚信某事的功效,用在人身上,to swear by somebody 则是很信任某个人。Jim说,他释放压力最行之有效的办法是去健身,I just need a good hard workout. Claire说,她也试过冥想,但就是无法get in the zone进入状态。 T: ---3---. Maybe you just need a chocolate bar! C: Now there's a therapy I can get behind! J: ---4---. You're not weak. You're not a loser. You just have to find what works for you. Everybody's different. Maybe rock music is what works for you. Tina说,头天看报纸上说,吃巧克力可以减压,Claire开玩笑说,Now there's a therapy I can get behind. 意思是这种疗法我愿意尝试。不过言归正传,压力不是儿戏,身体对压力做出反应,并不意味着你脆弱,也不意味着你这人没用。每个人都需要找到对自己有效的减除压力的办法。 T: Speaking of rock music...there's a great concert happening downtown tomorrow night. We could all use a break. What do you say? C: Sound like fun. and thanks.... you guys are true friends. J: We're all in the same boat. Modern life is very stressful. T: That's why we need friends. C: You said it. See you tomorrow night! T: It's a date! Tina说,明晚有一场rock music摇滚音乐会,问Claire和Jim要不要一起去, We could all use a break. 意思是我们都需要放松一下。use在这里是享用的意思。比如 I could use a cup of coffee. 意思是我想喝杯咖啡。I could use some encouragement. 我需要点鼓励。Claire对朋友的帮助表示感谢,Jim说,We're all in the same boat. 我们的处境都一样,大家生活都很紧张,都需要学会放松。
You really have to make an effort to relax I like to put on boxing gloves and hit a punching bag I saw a news article yesterday that says chocolate helps relieve stress I think the main thing to keep in mind here is that stress is a serious issue