

第一个单词为As, 被说话的老师给吃啦,大家体谅一下呦!

As part of this course, you will have to give a group presentation on one of the topics we've discussed so far. I've already decided on the groups, there will be three people in each group. Please check the handout I've given you to find out who is in your group. I'm going to give you some time now to meet your group members and start discussing what topic you'd like to work on and do your presentation on. Once you decide, you can come to me and explain your ideas and I'll give you some feedback. Hi, are you Joe? Yes, I am. You're Henry? Yes. OK so we're still looking for Magda. Hi, I'm Magda, nice to meet you. Shall we sit here? OK. So, what do you think? Do either of you have any ideas on what topic we should present? Well, I had a look at the list of ideas the professor gave us last time. There are some interesting things. For example, the topic of the business cycle is interesting – we did a lot of work on that this semester.
作为此番课程的一员,我们将以小组为单位,选择到目前为止讨论过的话题之一进行展示。我已将小组分好,每三人一组。请大家检查自己手上的讲义并找出自己的组员。现在,我将给各位一些时间找到自己的组员,一同讨论自组的选题与展示。一旦决定了,就可来见我,阐述自组的想法,届时我会做相应的回馈。 嗨,是Joe吗? 是的,我是Joe.你是Henry吗? 是的。好了,现在我们仍需找到Magda. 嗨,我是Magdalena,很高兴认识你们。我们可以坐在这儿吗? 行。 那么,你们有什么想法?你们对即将展示的东西是否有任何想法? 嗯,我上次已看过教授给我们的想法清单。上面有许多有趣的点子。举个列子,商业圈这个话题就很有意思。我们曾经在这个学期做过许多此方面的研究。 ——译文来自: 流云郁雪