全文听写,英式拼法 450)=450"> [color=#408080]HINTS Sri Lanka Debby Malau 学科名称大写 [/color]
Hello there. What are you studying? Computing Science. Oh, yes. And how long is the course for? One year. It's a postgraduate diploma. What would you like to do at the end of it? Have you made your mind up? Yes. I'd like to be a teacher in a university in my country. Would you? That sounds interesting. Tell me, though, why have you chosen this university? It's got a good reputation in the field of Computing Science. Where do you come from? Sri Lanka. Oh, that's a country I've always wanted to go to. You are Miss Malau, aren't you? I've got your name on my list here. Yes, Debby Malau. Would you like to give the students a talk about your country? Yes, I'd like to very much.
你好,你在看什么? 计算机科学技术。 好的,这个课要多上时间? 一年,这是研究生学位课。 你在毕业后想干什么,决定了吗? 想好了,回国当一名大学老师。 是吗,不错的想法。但我想问下你为什么选择了我们这所学校? 因为您这儿计算机科学技术学科排名很高。 (哈哈),你是哪里人? 斯里兰卡。 喔,我一直想去那儿啊。你是Malau同学吧,我把你记在我的候选名单中了。 对的,Debby Malau. 那你能不能给上一节关于你国家的课? 非常乐意。 ——译文来自: 枭_隐