杀了巫师之后,Katherine和Damon在“逃离”神秘瀑布镇的路上。。。。 老规矩:不用标序号,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻... [color=#ff6347]今天一共就七空,有点小多哦!!而且每空还不大容易听出来!!所以长假结束后,大家还是要继续努力学习哦!!! Aimlessly:漫无目的地 [/color]
Katherine:Are you hungry? Let's stop for a bite. A truck stop. Or a trucker. Damon:____________1____________ Katherine:It's not possible. Damon:____________2____________Where are we going? Katherine:____________3____________ Damon:Not to worry. ____________4____________ Katherine:You and Mystic Falls, or you and Elena? Damon:____________5____________ Katherine:Ooh. Let me guess. ____________6____________ Damon:Something like that. Katherine:Her loss. What are you doing? Damon:I thought I'd give it a shot. ____________7____________ 能拿高高的正确率、多多的沪元、还能听到纯正的美语、回忆当年看吸血鬼日记的点点滴滴、又学习了英语,多好的节目丫!快来订阅吧!
Oh, stop being cute. We've been driving around aimlessly for hours. Far enough away so that you can't go running back. Mystic Falls and I are on a bit of a break. Let's just say Elena and I are having a bit of difference of opinion on how I should behave. Elena wants you to be the hero, and you don't like playing pretend. Truth is, you just don't do it for me anymore.
Katherine:你饿不饿?我们停车吃点东西吧。去路边[卡车]餐馆,或找个卡车司机来。 Damon:少逞口舌之快了。[别这么可爱] Katherine:不太可能。 Damon:我们漫无目的地开了几个小时了。我们到底要去哪? Katherine:要去你不能回头的地方。 Damon:别担心,我跟神秘瀑布镇处于"冷战"期。 Katherine:是跟小镇冷战,还是跟埃琳娜? Damon:这么说吧,我和埃琳娜在我的行为问题上产生了分歧。 Katherine:我猜猜。埃琳娜希望你做个英雄,而你不想伪装自己。 Damon:差不多吧。 Katherine:那是她的损失了。你这是干嘛? Damon:想试试嘛。不过说实话,我现在对你没兴趣了。