Hints: 本期学习的字源:loc=place地方 The King and I Helmut Kohl The Presidential Hall Taiwan Tungluo Village 单词不需要大写,单词与例句或不同词条之间换行即可。 注解中详细介绍了单词的拆分与释义,是学习字源分析的重中之重!一定记得听写后来看注解!
location locale The King and I is more than a stock romance set in an exotic locale. locate The bat uses a sonar system to locate its food. locomotive Germany has served as a locomotive, with Helmut Kohl as engineer, pulling the rest of Europe toward economic and political union. locus The Presidential Hall has traditionally been the locus of political power in Taiwan. allocation The chief merit of the capitalist system is that it ensures efficient allocation of resources. collocate The difference in handwriting is noticeable when one collocates the two signatures. dislocate The boxer decided to quit the fight because of a dislocated shoulder. relocate After the devastating earthquake, all the surviving inhabitants of Tungluo Village were relocated to a safer spot.
The King and I is more than a stock romance set in an exotic locale. 《国王与我》不只是一部以外国地点为背景的老式文艺故事。 The bat uses a sonar system to locate its food. 蝙蝠用声纳定位食物。 Germany has served as a locomotive, with Helmut Kohl as engineer, pulling the rest of Europe toward economic and political union. 德国扮演了火车头的角色,科尔总统就是司机,带动欧洲走向经济政治统一。 The Presidential Hall has traditionally been the locus of political power in Taiwan. 总统府一向是台湾政治权利的重镇。 The chief merit of the capitalist system is that it ensures efficient allocation of resources. 资本主义的一大优点就是能确保资源的有效分配。 The difference in handwriting is noticeable when one collocates the two signatures. 两个签名并列就可以看出笔迹不同。 The boxer decided to quit the fight because of a dislocated shoulder. 这位拳击手因为肩关节脱臼而决定放弃比赛。 After the devastating earthquake, all the surviving inhabitants of Tungluo Village were relocated to a safer spot. 大地震过后,铜锣村幸存的居民全都被转移到比较安全的地点。