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Frogs, toads, newts and salamanders are amphibians. All amphibians have thin skins which are usually wet and slimy. They have two pairs of legs. The toes of most amphibians have webs of skin between them. This allows them to swim well in water. The body of a frog or toad is made up of two parts, head and the trunk. There is no neck or tail. Adult newts and salamanders have tails. Frogs and toads are important to human beings as they feed on insects. Some of these insects may be harmful to us. Toads produce poison from the skin for protection. Wash your hands after touching a toad. Reptiles live mainly on land but some live in water. They breathe through lungs and have dry scaly skins. Reptiles which live in water come to the water surface to breathe. Reptiles lay eggs with hard shells. Lizards, snakes and tortoises are reptiles which live mainly on land while crocodiles, alligators and turtles live in water. The body of a reptile such as the crocodile and lizard is made up of the head, the trunk and the tail.
狐狸,蟾蜍,蝾螈和火蜥蜴都是两栖动物。所有的两栖动物都有湿润和粘滑的薄皮肤,它们有两对脚。很多的两栖动物的脚趾都有网状的皮肤。这使它们能在水中更好地游泳。 青蛙和蟾蜍的身体由两个部分组成,头和躯干,没有脖子和尾巴,成年的蝾螈和火蜥蜴有尾巴。 青蛙和蟾蜍对人类非常重要,因为它们以昆虫为食。这些昆虫可能会对我们有害。蟾蜍从皮肤产生毒气来保护自己。所以当你接触抑制蟾蜍后,要洗手。 爬虫动物主要生活在陆地上,而有些也在水中。它们通过肺部和干的有鳞片的皮肤来呼吸。蜥蜴,蛇和龟都是生活在陆地上的爬虫动物,而鳄鱼,短吻鳄和龟则生活在水里。像鳄鱼和蜥蜴这样的爬虫动物,身体由头,躯干和尾巴组成。 ——By lsy34