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Invertebrates are animals which do not have backbones or other bones inside their bodies. Some have soft bodies and some have hard coverings which protect their bodies. Vertebrates are animals with backbones and bones inside their bodies. The bones help to support their bodies. There are five main groups of vertebrates, the fish, the amphibians, the reptiles, the birds and the mammals. Fish, amphibians and reptiles are known as cold blooded vertebrates. The blood of a warm-blooded vertebrate remains around the same temperature both on warm and cold days. Fish live in water and have fins which help them to swim. The body of a fish is made up of the head, the trunk and the tail. The tail ends in a tail fin. There are many different kinds of fish and they are of many different shapes and colours. Some fish are long and thin while others are flat and rounded. Most fish have bodies which are broad at the trunk region and narrow towards the head and tail.
无脊椎动物是身体里边没有脊椎和其他的骨头。一些有柔软的身体和比较硬的壳来保护他们的身体。 脊椎动物是身体里边有脊椎和骨头的动物。这些骨头来帮助支撑他们的身体。脊椎动物主要有五大类,鱼类,两栖动物,爬虫动物,鸟类和哺乳类动物。鱼类,两栖动物和爬虫动物被认为是冷血类脊椎动物。热血脊椎动物不论在温暖还是寒冷的天气都保持一样的体温。 鱼类生活在水里,身上的鳞帮助它们游泳。鱼是由头,躯干和尾巴组成。尾巴以尾巴上的鳞片尾巴。鱼有很多不同的种类,不同的形状和颜色。有一些鱼很又长又瘦但有一些又平坦又圆。大多数鱼有宽大的躯干和窄小的头部和尾巴。 ——By lsy34