Taiwan's Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Bureau
monotheistic例句中有破折号 -
Saudi Arabia
monotonous monogamy Monogamy has become the standard family system in most parts of the world. monolith The U.S. exercised a policy of containment toward world Communism, which was regarded as a monolith. monomania It is a sign of monomania when one demonstrates interest in one thing only, to the expense of all others. monopoly Taiwan's Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Bureau is about to be privatized. monotheistic Islam and Christianity are both monotheistic religions - both recognize only one God. monarchy Great Britain has a constitutional monarchy while Saudi Arabia has an absolute monarchy.
Monogamy has become the standard family system in most parts of the world. 一夫一妻制在世界大多数地区已经成为标准的家庭制度。 The U.S. exercised a policy of containment toward world Communism, which was regarded as a monolith. 美国从前围堵被视为屹立不摇之物的世界共产主义。 It is a sign of monomania when one demonstrates interest in one thing only, to the expense of all others. 如果只对一件事情有兴趣,别的都不理会,这就是偏执狂的征兆。 Taiwan's Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Bureau is about to be privatized. 台湾的烟酒公卖局即将民营化。 Islam and Christianity are both monotheistic religions - both recognize only one God. 伊斯兰教和基督教都是一神教,同样只承认唯一的真神。 Great Britain has a constitutional monarchy while Saudi Arabia has an absolute monarchy. 英国是君主立宪制,沙特阿拉伯则是君主专制。