【O+口语】外教带你发掘潜力—You've Got Talent!
时间: 3月21日(星期四) 19:30 - 20:30
主讲老师: Kevin(欢迎围观Kevin的部落>>>
公开课地点: O+口语活动室



Part1.Small Talk
What's your talent?
Useful expressions: be good/talented at...; be gifted with; a ... genius
Kathy: Thanks for inviting me to see your team. Who's your best player?
Brad: That would be Sarah. She's a natural. No one comes close to her speed. She has good instincts and a flair for getting out of difficult situations.
Kathy: She sounds promising. Anyone else I should keep an eye on?
Brad: Mollie is a good player, too. You know what, we'll have a game this Saturday. Why don't you come out and judge for yourself? I think you'll be impressed with the talent you see.
Kathy: I'm sure I will. I'll be here on Saturday.

Part2. Discussion
Do you wish you were talented at something? Why?

Part3. Tips
What can you do to improve your spoken English?

