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Well, I wish I'd read it years ago. That would have saved me from some of my worst inefficiencies. I'd recommend it to anyone. It shows you how to produce a perfect schedule for getting through your workload. Once you've got yourself organised, made lists of tasks and priorities, you can make best use of each and everyday. Otherwise you're just constantly confusing your PA with endless requests, all terribly urgent. Certainly, a lot of the book was very specialised, but it did give me an idea of how the agencies do the job. Of course, they're the people with the creative ideas, the expertise, so I'm happy to trust the image development work to them, but I read the book so I could talk to them on equal terms about what we're trying to do, and how it fits in with our overall business strategy.
我希望我在几年前读过这本书。这将将我从糟糕低效的工作中挽救出来。我将它推荐给每个人。它将向你展示怎样制作一个完美的日程表来完成你繁重的工作,一旦你进行自我组织,列出任务和优先工作的重点,你就能够合理利用每一天。否则你只是在不停地拿十分紧急的要求为难你的私人助理。 确实,书中许多地方都非常专业的,但是它给了我一个代理公司应该怎么做的灵感。当然,他们是给出创意的人,是专家,因此,我很高兴把影像发展的工作委托给他们。但我因为我读了这本书,所以我能够告诉他们在平等的条件下,我们正在试图做什么,而且它适合于我们整体的业务战略。 ——By lsy34