BEC VANTAGE 听力训练啦,希望对备考的同学们有所帮助。 全文听写,英式拼法 情景商务英语每日19点更新,BEC中级每日9点更新。 450)=450"> 上一期BEC中级:【BEC中级】公司搬迁项目(3/4) 450)=450"> 上一期情景商务英语:【情景商务英语】126 市场调查(二) 本节目订阅地址: 点击订阅更方便。 HINTS Alison Head Office CEO Stratford Electronics
Hello. This is Alison in Head Office. Oh, hello. The CEO has asked me to contact you about the memo you sent everyone yesterday, where you asked for comments on the bid you've just put together, for Stratford Electronics. Oh, right. Well he's very happy with it on the whole, but does think the introduction is rather lengthy and includes more statistics than are necessary. No problem, I can shorten it easily. And most of the contents of the actual bid are fine, but you do refer to the annual report which won't be out until May. Oh, right. I'll get rid of that. Yes, and I was thinking there's enough with the section on the existing contracts we have, so I could take out the stuff on the new contracts, the ones we're about to start. In fact, he specifically said that he thought mentioning them was a very good selling point. OK. And he'd like you to have something in your concluding remarks about the growth in overseas sales, not just the stuff on domestic. Yes, I was wondering about that. And that's all really. Easy to adjust I think. OK, well thank the CEO for looking at it. It's very helpful.