
affirmative Her final answer to my question would be affirmative. amid The woman teacher stood amid the crowd of little children. appease The angry man was not appeased until I said I was sorry. eternal Most religionsn the world promise eternal life after one's death. gallant Mr. Johnson was one of the most gallant soldiers in our unit during World War II. Our garden is made gallant with roses and tulips. gratify Now that she has a job in France, she can gratify her desire to see Paris. petty The children's quarrels usually concern a petty problem. sturdy Children need sturdy clothes, because they like to play so violently. tropical It is very hard to work in such tropical weather. zoology Zoology and botany are the two main branches of biology.
affirmative adj.肯定的 她对我问题的最后回答,将会是肯定的。 amid prep.在其中 这位女老师站在一群小孩之中。 appease v.使平静 直到我说抱歉,这个生气的人才平静下来。 eternal adj.永恒的 世上的大多宗教都预言人死后能得到永生。 gallant adj. 1.勇敢的 2.壮丽的 在二次大战期间,约翰先生是我们这一组中最勇敢的士兵之一。 我们家花园被玫瑰和郁金香装饰得非常美丽。 gratify v.使满足 既然她在法国有份工作,她就能满足一游巴黎的愿望了。 petty adj.细小的 小孩子们争吵常常只是因为琐细的问题。 sturdy adj.坚强的 小孩子需要耐磨的衣服,因为他们喜欢玩激烈的游戏。 tropical adj.热带的;很热的 在这么热的天气里工作,很辛苦。 zoology n.动物学 动物学和植物学是生物学的两大分支。