
concession To reach agreement, both sides must make concessions. deceit The merchant always used deceit in his business dealings. dedicate The land on which the battle of Gettysburg was fought was dedicated to the soldiers who had died there. dizzy When you spin round and round, and stop suddenly, you feel dizzy. economical A good manager should be economical in the use of his funds. infect She infected the whole class with her influenza. intolerant The old man doesn't smoke himself and is so intolerant that he doesn't allow his friends to smoke when they visit him. respective The party ended and we all went off to our respective rooms. scholar He was respected as a great scholar of history. technique The pianist's technique was excellent, though his interpretation of the work was poor. tedious The long wait at the airport was really tedious.
concession n.让步 为达成协议,两方都必须做出让步。 deceit n.欺骗;诡计 在商业的往来上,这商人老是使用诡计。 dedicate v.奉献 葛底斯堡战役的发生地已用来纪念在那儿捐躯的士兵们。 dizzy adj.晕眩的 当你旋转再旋转然后突然停下,你会感觉晕眩。 economical adj.经济的;节约的 一位好的经理应在金钱的使用上厉行节约。 infect v.传染 她将流行性感冒传染给全班。 intolerant adj.不宽容的 那位老人自己不抽烟,也不容许他的朋友拜访时抽烟。 respective adj.各自的 宴会结束了,我们回到各自的房间。 scholar n.学者 他以一位伟大的历史学者的身份而受到尊重。 technique n.技巧 这钢琴家的技巧非常优秀,虽然他对此作品的诠释不够到位。 tedious adj.冗长乏味的 在机场冗长的等待的确乏味。