
abbreviate His book was abbreviated and appeared in a public magazine. available There are no tickets available for Friday's music performance. bribe The judge was accused of taking a bribe to free the prisoner. chat The woman chatted on the phone for almost an hour. contempt We feel contempt for a liar or a thief. fraction She's careful with her money and spends only a fraction of her earnings. idol A stone idol stood at the entrance of the village. inherit After the farmer's death his wife and children will inherit the farm. reproduce She reproduced the contents of her husband's letter from memory. shrink Washing wool in hot water will make it shrink. tempt The sight of the food tempted the hungry man to steal. vital He was lucky that the bullet had not entered a vital organ.
abbreviate v.减缩 他的书被缩写,刊登在一本公众杂志上。 available adj.可利用的;可获得的 星期五的音乐会的票都卖完了。 bribe n.贿赂 这名法官因收受贿赂释放囚犯而受到指控。 chat n.闲谈 那女人在电话中聊了将近一小时。 contempt v.轻视 我们蔑视说谎者和贼。 fraction n.部分 她谨慎地处理金钱,并且只花收入的一部分。 idol n.偶像;神像 村口竖立着一尊石像。 inherit v.继承 这农夫死后,他和太太和孩子将继承这座农庄。 reproduce v.再生 她从记忆中追忆起她丈夫信件的内容。 shrink v.萎缩 在热水中洗羊毛衣会使它缩水。 tempt v.引诱 那个饥饿的人看见食物而动了偷窃之念。 vital adj.生命的;致命的 他很幸运,子弹并没有射入致命的器官。