别人说你很疯狂?走自己的路,让别人说去。 体验不一样的感受,
Everyone will think you're crazy.It doesn't matter.Use this system.I promise you you're going to have a totally different experience while you're learning English. Nothing like the schools you went to before.So it's very important.If you want to, if you love to exercise, you can run while you're learning English.Put on your running shoes. Get some exercise in your body at the same time that you're learning.You can do two things at the same time.So walk or run.Keep that body moving at the same time always.It's going to keep energy coming into your body, flowing into your body.That wakes up your brain and that makes you learn so much faster.Another idea is go to the gym.Bring your iPod again and work out, lift weights or do whatever you do at the gym.Again you're using your body, engaging your body at the same time.