450)=450"> 标题不用写 觉得材料太难的童鞋可以先下载音频下来听,觉得听得差不多了再来听写。语速稍快,用词不难的。美式拼法。 Hints: Alaska borealis
I still recall the accident. I had an audacious attitude back then. I remember being very upset at my brother and telling him, "You have the audacity to call me a coward when you won't even try." Neither of us knew how unstable and heavy that auger bit was. Then I felt the numbing pain of the auger bit crushing my back. I can still see the ambulance attendants, in their clean white attire, attending to my injury. I think my voice was barely audible. The doctors were able to attach supporting metal pins to my spine, but I've yet to walk. My whole body seems to be in a state of atrophy. But I've never given up hope. One of my strongest attributes is patience. Someday, I'll attain the use of my legs again. Fortunately, my attorney helped me to obtain compensation for my injuries. The extra money helps to augment my monthly income. I still work as an accountant, auditing the books of small companies. But I only work part-time, and later this year, I plan to retire. It looks like my company will reduce its staff through attrition. I'd like to spend more time with my family now. I have a strong attachment to my wonderful and energetic daughter. Everyone loves her. It's as though she emits an aura. This afternoon, I'll be talking her to the school auditorium so that she can attend an audition for a part in the school play. Next winter, we'll be talking a trip to Alaska to see the aurora borealis.
我还记得那次事故的情景。当时我态度鲁莽。我记得我很恼火我的弟弟,还跟他说:“你自己都没试过,怎么能厚颜无耻地叫我胆小鬼!”我们两个都不知道钻孔机的钻头会那么不结实,又是那么重。 然后,钻孔机钻头压断了我的后背,我痛得几乎麻木了。我现在还能回想起穿干净白大褂的随车(救护车)救护人员,他们照料着我的伤势。我想当时我的声音肯定小得没人能听见。虽说医生能在我的脊椎上绑些金属支撑钉,我还是不能走路。我的整个身体似乎处于萎缩状态,但我从未放弃希望。我的最坚强的品质之一就是有耐心。总有一天,我将会再次获得一双能走路的腿。 幸亏我的律师帮我拿到了伤害赔偿金,这笔钱增加了我的月收入。我还在做会计,替一些小公司查账。不过,我只是兼职。我打算下半年退休,因为我所在的那家公司似乎要通过自然减员来精简编制。 我想有更多的时间与我的家人在一起。我和我那个精力充沛的宝贝女儿感情很深。每个人都喜欢她。她似乎散发着(青春的)气息。今天下午,我要送她去学校大礼堂,她将参加学校话剧中一个角色的试演。明年冬天,我们要去阿拉斯加看北极光!