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For the last 20 years, I've worked as an arbitrator of disputes involving land. Arbitration is an arduous process that requires patience. Both parties in a dispute are typically ardent about their opinions. It's this state of ardor that makes it difficult to approach a satisfactory solution. Fortunately, I have the aptitude for understanding people's needs and finding an appropriate solution that satisfies the approximate requirements of both sides. The parties who approve me to judge their case know that I'm apt to make a fair and reasonable decision, not an arbitrary one. This knowledge tends to lower the apprehension of both parties. I find that if the parties are less apprehensive, they are more cooperative. But no case is easy. There's always a sticking point. Presently, I'm working on a dispute between an old farmer and the government. The old farmer owns a piece of arable land on which he has grown fruit trees for 25 years. He wants to keep his land just as it is, not only because of his trees, but also due to the arboreal life it supports. The government believes that the old man's farming methods are archaic and not a productive use of the land. They want approval to use the farmer's land to build a huge high-tech public aquarium. They want to display unique aquatic creatures to help educate the public. The government plans to make this project the archetype for all future public aquariums. Well, it's going to be a tough case. In fact, it may be my toughest case yet.
我已做了20年的仲裁者,我的工作是解决涉及土地的争端。仲裁工作是个需要耐心的艰难过程,争执双方总是热切的阐述自己的观点,正是这份热切才使得双方很难探讨一个令人满意的解决方案。幸亏我有这方面的才能,总能善解人意,找到合适的解决办法,方才大致上满足了双方的要求。 凡赞成让我裁决个案的利益双方都明白,我善于做出公正、合理的决定,绝不会武断地下结论。这一认识常常能减少争执双方的担忧。我发现争执双方越不担忧,就越容易合作。但没有一个个案是容易解决的,仲裁中总有症结。 现在,我正着手解决一位老农与政府间的争端。那位老农拥有一片可耕地,他在这片土地上种了25年的果树。他想保持这片土地的现有状态,不仅为他的果树,还为生活在树上的所有生物。政府则认为那位老农的耕作方法太过时,没能有效利用土地。他们希望获得批准,在这片土地上建一座大型的高科技公共水族馆,馆内将展示独特的水生动物,以教育公众。政府计划使这一项目成为今后所有水族馆的典范。 这将是个棘手的案子。实际上,这可能是我经历过的最难解决的案子。