Elena被人抓走了…Stefan和Damon去寻她,在路上兄弟两小谈了会儿~哈哈~ Damon看到Stefan说一直在喝Elena的血的表情好喜欢啊~哈哈 450)=450"> 老规矩:不用标序号,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻... TIPS: mile marker: [美国俚语](标在州与州之间公路上的细长的)英里标志牌[亦作 mile-marker,亦称作 marker] intake: 摄取量 bonding: 结合的;黏结的 rip: 撕,锯 apart: 分离的 vein: 状态,心境,情绪 hoot: [美国俚语]有趣的人(或事情) 每空一句,注意第三个空是句中哦~~第2句有点小长,不过一定难不倒大家的~哈哈~大家加油哦~~ ~
XMzkzNDUzNzEy/ Stefan: We're getting close. Jeremy said there's an access road just past mile marker 6. Damon: _______1______ Stefan: I want some. Damon: Aw, that's so sweet. Gonna be all big and strong to save your girl. Well, don't worry. I've got your back. You'll be fine. Stefan: I'm not joking. _______2______Damon: Does Elena know you're drinking blood? Stefan: I've been drinking hers. Damon: Hmm. How romantic. Since we're road-trip bonding, _______3______, you were the guy who would rip someone apart just for the fun of it? Stefan: You mean when I was more like you? Damon: Yes, Stefan. Exactly. _______4______Wonder if Elena would be so quick to open her veins to that guy? By the way, what happened to that guy? He was a hoot. Stefan: _______5______ 能拿高高的正确率、多多的沪元、还能听到纯正的美语、回忆当年看吸血鬼日记的点点滴滴、又学习了英语,多好的节目丫!快来订阅吧! 吸血鬼迷们创建的群:111354855,欢迎喜爱该剧的沪友加入哈~~
If you want some, just ask. I've been drinking a little every day, slowly increasing my intake and building up my strength. remember the days when all you lived for was blood Back when you put blood into me so I could be a big, bad vampire. Guess he found something else to live for.
Stefan: We're getting close.(已经离得不远了)Jeremy said there's an access road just past mile marker 6.(Jeremy说开过6英里的标志就有个交流道) Damon: If you want some, just ask.(你想喝就说) Stefan: I want some.(我想来点) Damon: Aw, that's so sweet.(啊还真贴心)Gonna be all big and strong to save your girl. Well, don't worry. I've got your back. You'll be fine.(为了救你的女朋友都要喝人血强身健体了,不用担心我说了帮你的你会没事的) Stefan: I'm not joking.(我没开玩笑)I've been drinking a little every day, slowly increasing my intake and building up my strength.(我每天都喝一点,慢慢增加到体内以保持我的能量) Damon: Does Elena know you're drinking blood?(Elena知道你在喝人血吗?) Stefan: I've been drinking hers.(我一直在喝她的血) Damon: Hmm.(嗯)How romantic.(真够浪漫的)Since we're road-trip bonding, remember the days when all you lived for was blood, you were the guy who would rip someone apart just for the fun of it?(既然咱俩都套近乎了,说说你还记得自己从前是每天只喝人血,为了找乐子把人撕成两半的那种人吗?) Stefan: You mean when I was more like you?(我更像你的时候?) Damon: Yes, Stefan. Exactly.(没错 Stefan 说得对)Back when you put blood into me so I could be a big, bad vampire.(都是你非让我吸血我才变成现在的坏蛋吸血鬼)Wonder if Elena would be so quick to open her veins to that guy?(真想知道Elena会不会把血给那种人喝?)By the way, what happened to that guy? He was a hoot.(还有那个人是怎么了? 他从来对一切都漠不关心的) Stefan: Guess he found something else to live for.(我猜他找到生活下去的理由了)