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Good morning, John. You've been in Japan for quite a long time now. Mmm. What differences do you notice between the two countries? I find people are much busier in Japan. They seem to work the whole day, from Monday to Saturday, even in summer. Oh. It's very very humid and hot, and you need to take showers three times a day. Yes, it's cooler in England. That's right. But in the north, it is much colder than England, especially in winter, minus 30 degrees centigrade. I've also found that Japan is much more mountainous than Britain, especially in the north. The mountains are much higher and much more rocky. They are very beautiful. You like mountains. Yes. As Japan is a mountainous country, the cities are more crowded and the houses are smaller. They don't have a lot of space. Are there a lot of tall buildings in big cities? No, not many. Because there are a lot of earthquakes in Japan. So in a way, it's more dangerous to live in Japan because of the earthquakes and the pollution. Thank you, John.
早上好,John,你去了日本工作已经有一段时间了。 嗯嗯 你觉得英国和日本有什么不一样的地方嘛? 我发现日本人相对比较忙。他们好像每天都在工作,从星期一到星期天,甚至在夏天。 哦 日本非常非常潮湿和炎热,你需要一天洗三次澡。 是的,英国比较凉爽。 是的,但是在日本的北部,还是比应该要冷,特别是冬天,零下三十度。我还发现日本比英国山多,特别是日本的北部。这里的山很高而且很多岩石,但很漂亮。 你很喜欢山。 是的,因为日本是一个多山的城市,城市会比较拥挤,和房屋比较小。城市没有多余的地方。 那么日本的大城市有很多高楼大厦吗? 不,没有很多。因为日本常发生地震,所以从某种程度上来说,住在日本会比较危险,因为有地震和污染现象。 谢谢你,John