450)=450"> 本文选自雅思听力Section 1,难度比较简单 HINTS the Salus Spa Albury 全文听写,英式拼法 订阅节目更方便
Besides that, winter's frosty alpine air encourages walks through mist-laden valleys. You can walk alongside rushing streams and waterfalls. After returning to the warm and comfortable lounge, you can sit by an open fire. I think this is the ideal time of year to nourish your body at the Salus Spa. The idea of skiing doesn't appeal to me very much, but it sounds good to have a relaxing walk through the valleys. Maybe after that I'll have a massage and some soaking in the spa. And you know, this hotel is perfectly located in a quiet position off the main highway in central Albury. It is within walking distance of licensed clubs, restaurants, shops and the central business district. It is known for it excellent cuisine and warm Australian hospitality. Good. It's a good idea to savor the tasty dishes in one of the restaurants. My wife may be interested in shopping. She's always keen on that. I think I'll contact you later. Thank you very much.