450)=450"> 本文选自雅思听力Section 3,难度不大 HINTS Historical Tour Bomberry Castle 全文听写,英式拼法 订阅节目更方便
Now, for those of you who've got children that you'd like to bring along for the day, obviously skydiving is out of the question. They might be thrilled by the idea of jumping out of a plane with you, but you've got to be 18 or older to do that. We checked with the organiser of the Historical Tour, and they said that children usually aren't interested in the historical buildings, but they have no objections provided that any children are accompanied by their parents. When we talked to the person who's in charge of the Nature Tour, she said that their insurance doesn't cover minors, so there's no kids allowed on the trip, unfortunately. However, it's quite all right if you want to bring along your partner to enjoy the fresh air with you. We thought it'd be nice to arrange for group photos to be taken on this special day out. In fact, if you're going on the Adventure Tour, they can video or photograph individuals while you're skydiving, but that's very costly, so that's one extra expense you'll have to pay for yourself if you want it.