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It's that bad, isn't it? Well, anyway, you know what school kids are like. Well, the trouble is, it doesn't stop there. They take their bad habits with them when they go on to uni. A more recent survey in another country showed that more cheating happens now among undergraduate students than high school students. That's disappointing. Yeah, there are even instances of postgraduate students doing it, though it involves a much smaller proportion of them. So why's more cheating happening now? Well, the Internet has made it easier. You can use a search engine to find what you need to know, then cut and paste. Before the Internet, you had to go to books and copy the information by hand, so it took a lot longer. Students often used to write their essays by hand, too. Yeah, I don't do much writing anymore, but I do plenty of typing. Well, your handwriting is pretty terrible, so that's probably not a bad thing. Anyway, what it really comes down to is that the Internet is so huge, there are just so many more sources than there used to be. In the older days if a teacher thought a student had cheated, they could look up the relevant book to check.