450)=450"> 本文选自雅思听力Section 4,难度较大 Summary:本文是关于澳大利亚原住民的石刻画的专题报告。当地石刻画的发展经历了Dynamic, Yam和Modern三个时期。每一时期的特点都很明显,且与当地居民的生活习惯、周围环境以及历史发展阶段有紧密关系。最后提到,现代科学家正在探索许多画作中的抽象形象是源于何种生物。 HINTS Aboriginal Dynamic Yam Modern 全文听写,英式拼法 订阅节目更方便 HINTS
Good Morning, everyone. I've been invited to talk about my research project into Australian Aboriginal rock paintings. The Australian Aboriginal have recorded both real and symbolic images of their time on rock walls for many thousands of years. Throughout the long history of this tradition, new images have appeared and new painting styles have developed. And these characteristics can be used to categorise the different artistic styles. Among these are what we call the Dynamic, Yam and Modern styles of painting. One of the most significant characteristics of the different styles is the way that humans are depicted in the paintings. The more recent paintings show people in static poses. But the first human images to dominate rock art paintings, over 8,000 years ago, were full of movement. These paintings showed people hunting and cooking food and so they were given the name "Dynamic" to reflect this energy. It's quite amazing considering they were painted in such a simple stick-like form.