450)=450"> 喜欢地理吗,反正偶是不稀饭啦,不过如果有这样一位童鞋把地理讲的很有趣的话,情况可能会不同喔~~~ 450)=450"> 全文听写。 450)=450"> 为了六级,为了英语的提高,大家一定要耐心听写喔~~~ 点我回顾上一期【六级听力室】2010年06月真题短文2(1/2)
That, he figured, should get his classmates' attention. Throughout the body of the speech, Huang doubt only with the basic mechanics of earthquakes and carefully avoided technical terms. He also prepared visual aids diagramming photo lines so his classmates wouldn't get confused. To be absolutely safe, Huang asked his roommate who was not a geology major to listen to the speech. “Stop me”, he said, “Anytime I say something you don't understand”. Huang's roommate stopped him four times. And at each spot, Huang worked out a way to make his point more clearly. Finally, he had a speech that was interesting and perfectly understandable to his audience.