填写缺失的部分,注意标点及大小写,句末标点已给出,不用听写。序号不用写出。 前言:Monica Phoebe Rachel 三人为了找出假冒的Monica去参观踢踏舞教学,结果被老师要求进行学习,Monica跳的很僵硬。 Teacher: Alright people, 1______. (The girls are unsure how to pair off. Phoebe settles it) Phoebe: Okay. And, my, dead, mother, says, you, are, it. I'm with Rachel. Monica: Great. 2______. Phoebe and Rachel: Aww. Teacher: Well that's all right, you can come up to the front and dance with me. Monica: Why don't I just take off my clothes and have a nightmare. (She starts to walk very slowly toward the front of the room. The teacher grabs her hand and pulls her. Suddenly a woman bursts in) Woman: It's okay, it's okay, I'm here, I'm here. I'm so sorry I'm late, okay, 3______. So who's the new tense girl? Teacher: 4______. Woman: Hi. I'm Monica. Monica: Oh. Monica! ...Hi. I'm Mo- ...nana. Woman: (Fake Monica) Monana? Monica: Yeah. It's Dutch. Fake Monica: You're kidding! I-I spent three years in Amsterdam. (Asks her something in Dutch) Monica: Um, Pennsylvania Dutch. Teacher: And we're dancing. A-five, six, seven, eight... 450)=450"> 老友记【美剧听写】,欢迎订阅~
now everyone grab a partner It's gym class all over again here I am She's your partner