因为Damon嫉妒了Jules,在月圆之夜Jules变成了狼人来袭击Damon,却误咬了Rose,可怜的Rose,Elena陪着Rose第一次进了Damon的房间,发现他的房间跟她看到得邪恶的Damon不太符合,或许Damon真的不是她现在所想的那么坏~~~ 450)=450"> 老规矩:不用标序号,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻... TIPS: drawn out: 抽出 compatible: 能共处的 第1,3两个空都有两句哦~其中第3空的两个问句哦~第5空也是问句~哈哈,相信大家都能得满分哟~
XNDA5MTM4OTg4/ Rose: _______1______ Elena: Just get in bed. Rose: We don't get sick. When we die, it's fast and sudden. And it's now drawn out with an illness. Elena: _______2______ Rose: Such a human thing to say. _______3______ Elena: It's just a room with a bed. Maybe I expected there to be silk sheets. Rose: You're lucky, you know. _______4______ Elena: I doubt that. Rose: Trevor was my best friend. Nothing more. I spent all those years on the run from Elijah. I just never thought it was a good idea to set up roots. The whole idea of a family is not exactly compatible with being a vampire. _______5______ Elena: I'm not giving up on anything. Here. Rose: What do you call this whole deal with Elijah? Elena: _______6______ Rose: It's your easiest option. Elena: That's not fair. Rose: You really think that your witch friend destroyed the moonstone? Elena: I spoke with Bonnie. I know that she had the help of another witch. Assuming it's Elijah's witch, so, no, I don't. Rose: You really are determined to die, aren't you? At least I ran. You're not even trying. I'm so tired.
I hate this. I'm a vampire. I haven't had a cold in 5 centuries. You're not going to die. You've never been in Damon's room before, have you? It's not what you expected? No one's ever loved me the way you're loved. Why are you so eager to give up? I call it my best option.
Rose: I hate this.(讨厌死了。)I'm a vampire. I haven't had a cold in 5 centuries.(我是吸血鬼,我已经有五个世纪没有得过感冒。) Elena: Just get in bed.(躺下。) Rose: We don't get sick. When we die,it's fast and sudden.(我们不会生病,而且我们都是突然就一下子死翘翘了。)And it's now drawn out with an illness.(现在我却要被病魔折磨。) Elena: You're not going to die.(你不会死的。) Rose: Such a human thing to say.(这话还真是人类才会说的。)You've never been in Damon's room before, have you?(你从未进过Damon的房间,对吧?)It's not what you expected?(和你想象中的不同?) Elena: It's just a room with a bed.(就是个有床的房间。)Maybe I expected there to be silk sheets.(我还以为这里会有丝质床单。) Rose: You're lucky, you know.(你很幸运,你知道的。)No one's ever loved me the way you're loved.(从来没有人像爱你一样,深爱着我。) Elena: I doubt that.(我表示怀疑。) Rose: Trevor was my best friend. Nothing more.(Trevor是我最好的朋友,仅此而已。)I spent all those years on the run from Elijah.(我这些年来都在躲着Elijah。)I just never thought it was a good idea to set up roots.(我一直都觉得不应该安定下来。)The whole idea of a family is not exactly compatible with being a vampire.(作为一个吸血鬼,那种想要有一个家的念头,是不可能实现的。)Why are you so eager to give up?(你为什么这么想要放弃?) Elena: I'm not giving up on anything. Here.(我并没有放弃,给。) Rose: What do you call this whole deal with Elijah?(那你怎么看待你跟Elijah之间的交易?) Elena: I call it my best option.(我称之为我最好的选择。) Rose: It's your easiest option.(这是你最容易的选择。) Elena: That's not fair.(你怎么能这么说。) Rose: You really think that your witch friend destroyed the moonstone?(你真的认为你那个女巫朋友已经帮你毁掉月光石?) Elena: I spoke with Bonnie.(我和Bonnie谈过了。)I know that she had the help of another witch.(我知道她得到了另一个巫师的协助。)Assuming it's Elijah's witch, so, no, I don't.(假如这是Elijah的巫师,不,我不这么认为) Rose: You really are determined to die, aren't you?(你是一心想赴死,对吧?)At least I ran. You're not even trying.(至少我还逃跑了,你连试都不试。)I'm so tired.(我太累了。)