Stefan为了拯救Jeremy进入了墓室,和Katherine独处一室,忍受着K的各种诱惑,真是好男人!!嘎嘎!! 450)=450"> 老规矩:不用标序号,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻... [color=tomato]TIPS:今天总共六空。 pump: 抽水 stuffy: 东西[/color]
-Katherine: So we're fasting now? We're so pious.___________1__________I know you get desiccation in theory, Stefan, but in reality, it's much worse. ___________2__________ And when it's gone, your veins rub together like sandpaper. It's excruciating. -Stefan: ___________3__________________ -Katherine: ___________4__________ You want to help me get out of it? Oh, come on, Stefan, Don't be such a grump. We're here together. We may as well make the best out of it. __________5__________He's got what he wants. Elena. -Stefan: Stop. -Katherine: Hey.___________6__________Nobody will ever know. 能拿高高的正确率、多多的沪元、还能听到纯正的美语、回忆当年看吸血鬼日记的点点滴滴、又学习了英语,多好的节目丫!快来订阅吧! 吸血鬼迷们创建的群:111354855,欢迎喜爱该剧的沪友加入哈~~
How long have you actually gone without blood? Your heart still beats, struggling to pump whatever blood remains. The pleasure I'll get in watching you suffer is greater than any pain I'll ever feel. It's stuffy, and I've been in this dress for days. You really think Damon's in a rush to get you out? Given what's most certainly going on out there, I'd say you're free to do whatever you want in here.
-Katherine:我们是在节食吗? 我们太虔诚了。没有血你能坚持多久呢?我知道理论上你会脱水,Stefan,可是实际上比那更糟糕。你的心脏还在跳动,挣扎着利用任何残留的血液。当血液没有了的时候你的血管就会碰撞得像在砂纸上摩擦,太痛苦了。 fast: 禁食 pious: 虔诚的的 actually: 实际上,事实上 without: 没有 blood: 血 desiccation: 干燥 theory: 理论 reality: 实际 worse: 更糟糕的 beat: 有节奏的舒张与收缩 struggle: 挣扎 pump: 抽水 remain: 残存,遗留 vein: 血管 rub: 摩擦 sandpaper:: 砂纸 excruciating: -Stefan:看着你痛苦挣扎而得到的快感,远远超过我所承受的任何痛苦。 pleasure: 快乐 suffer: 忍受,遭受 pain: 疼痛 -Katherine:好闷热,这条裙子我都穿了好几天了。你能帮我脱下来吗?喔!别这样,Stefan,别这么大火气嘛!我们一起在这呆着,不妨充分利用一下嘛!你真的以为Damon会着急把你救出去吗?他已经得到他想要的了,Elena啊! stuffy: 东西 dress: 女装,连衣裙 grump: 发火,闹情绪 in a rush: 急急忙忙地 -Stefan:住手! -Katherine:喂!鉴于外面最有可能发生的事情,照我说,在这里你想干嘛就干嘛!没有人会知道。