【吸血鬼日记】第二季第八集(6)Damon&Elena 【The Vampire Dia ries】S02E08(6) Damon&Elena “因为我爱你,所以不能对你那么自私”,感人啊~D迷们要心疼死了,做节目才发现Damon在施法让Elena忘记的时候竟然掉了一滴眼泪... PS:沉痛哀悼“512”地震遇难者 450)=450"> 老规矩:不用标序号,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻... 注意咯!第一空三句话,第二空有五句话
-Damon: Cute PJ'S. -Elena: I'm tired, Damon. -Damon: Brought you this. -Elena: ______1______ -Damon: I just have to say something. -Elena: Why do you have to say it with my necklace? -Damon: Well... because what I'm about to say is... probably the most selfish thing I've ever said in my life. -Elena: Damon, don't go there. -Damon: No. I just have to say it once. You just need to hear it. ________2_________ God, I wish you didn't have to forget this. But you do. 能拿高高的正确率、多多的沪元、还能听到纯正的美语、回忆当年看吸血鬼日记的点点滴滴、又学习了英语,多好的节目丫!快来订阅吧! 吸血鬼迷们创建的群:111354855,欢迎喜爱该剧的沪友加入哈~~
I thought that was gone. Thank you. Please give it back. I love you, Elena. And it's because I love you that I can't be selfish with you. Why you can't know this? I don't deserve you. But my brother does.
-Damon:睡衣不错。PJ'S: 睡衣;宽长裤(等于pajamas) -Elena:我累了,Damon。 -Damon:给你拿这个来了 -Elena:我以为它丢了,谢谢。还给我。 -Damon:我有话要说 -Elena:非要拿着我的项链说吗? -Damon:哦... 因为我要说的... 大概是我这辈子说过最自私的话了。 -Elena: Damon 别说了。 -Damon:不,就让我说一次,你听着就好。我爱你,Elena。因为我爱你... 所以不能对你那么自私... 为什么你不能知道我爱你? 我配不上你... 但我弟弟可以,天呐,真希望你不用忘了我说的话。但你必须忘了。