XMzcwODQ4MTAw/ <听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> H: Who are you calling? E: Maya. Give it back. H: Friends don't let friends dial drunk.      1    Now, sit, lie, sleep.     2    E: Hanna... Those things I said to you in the courtyard... H:      3    You were right. The truth is, I was worse than Alison tonight, if that's even possible. And I do know how Lucas feels about me.      4    I had to. 【这是新的美少女谎言节目,每天下午3点更新】 450)=450">【美少女谎言】的节目,欢迎订阅~
You'll thank me tomorrow, if you can remember my name. If you need anything, we'll be right downstairs. Don't apologize. I wasn't messing with him for fun.
明天如果你还记得我的名字的话你会感谢我的 你有任何需要的话我们就在楼下 不用道歉 我和他混在一起并不是为了玩 ——译文来自: 歆銮