Elena竟然和Damon kiss了?这里就是第一季的完结和第二季的引子哈~~ 敬请期待第二季的回归哈!有惊喜滴~~ 450)=450"> 老规矩:不用标序号,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻... 注意咯!今天是第二空有四小句,第四空有两小句话哦~~ Elena: _______1_______ Damon: A failed and feeble attempt at doing the right thing. Elena: Which was... Damon: It's not important. I'll take this from you. Elena: Thank you. Damon: _______2________ I don'do good. It's not in me. Elena: Maybe it is. Damon: No. No, it's reserved for my brother and... and you, and Bonnie, even though she has every reason to hate me, still helped Stefan save me. Elena: _______3________ Damon:_________4__________ And I wanted to thank you for that. Elena: You're welcome. 能拿高高的正确率、多多的沪元、还能听到纯正的美语、回忆当年看吸血鬼日记的点点滴滴、又学习了英语,多好的节目丫!快来订阅吧! 吸血鬼迷们创建的群:111354855,欢迎喜爱该剧的沪友加入哈~~
What are you doing here? You know, I came in this town wanting to destroy it. Tonight I found myself wanting to protect it. How does that happen? I'm not a hero, Elena. Why do you sound so surprised? Because she did it for you. Which means that somewhere along the way, you decided that I was worth saving.
Elena:你怎么在这儿? Damon:本想试试做正确的事但却失败了 Elena:这事... Damon:不重要了我帮你拿 Elena:谢谢 Damon:你知道我来到这个镇上本来是想毁掉它的。但今晚我... 我发现自己想保护它怎么会这样呢? 我不是什么英雄 Elena。我不会做好事的,这不是我。 Elena:也许这就是你。 Damon:不,不,所谓英雄是我弟弟还有... 还有你,还有Bonnie。尽管她有那么多恨我的理由却还是帮助Stefan救了我。 Elena:为何你这么吃惊呢? Damon:因为她这么做是为了你。也就是说在你心中其实是不希望我死的,所以我想...为此谢谢你。 Elena:不客气。