来源:digital spy
2013-03-09 09:30
Martin Freeman confirmed on Graham Norton's Comic Relief Big Chat last night that series three of Sherlock begins filming in two weeks' time.
马丁·弗里曼昨晚在做客格拉汉姆·诺顿主持的Comic Relief Big Chat 节目上证实,热门英剧《神探夏洛克》第三季两周内开拍。
The Hobbit star said that he would return to his role as Doctor John Watson "the week after next".
马丁·弗里曼最近主演了电影《霍比特人》,他表示将在“下下周” 回归约翰·华生的角色。
When asked whether he had read the scripts, Freeman said: "Yes, it's brilliant."
However, the actor remained coy about what is in store for the characters after the huge cliffhanger at the end of series two's 'The Reichenbach Fall'.
Quizzed by Norton on whether he knew how Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock had survived at the end of the last series, he said: "Do you know what, no. Even we on reading the script aren't quite sure. Mark Gatiss is a clever fellow."
At last year's Edinburgh TV Festival, Sherlock creators Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss revealed the teaser clues 'Rat', 'Wedding' and 'Bow' as hints for what Sherlock Holmes stories the third series will be based on.
The third series of Sherlock is expected to air on BBC One later this year.